Friday, September 25, 2015

92) The impact of Swami Dayananda's Teachings in my life

Pujya Guruji Swami Dayananda Sarswathi ( founder Arsha Vidya Gurukulam  and a great Vedanta Teacher ) attained Samadhi on the night of Wed 23 Sept 2015 at his Ashram in Rishikesh and I do not want to write about his life , achievements etc as they are easily available in the public domain and so  this blog post is more about what benefit I received from the teachings of Swami Dayananda .

I have never personally met Swami Dayananda or been part of his Vedanta Training Programs in his Ashrams and I have only attended few of his public talks but have read most of his books and what I am sharing here is based on the knowledge I gained through reading his books .

One thing I found in all of Swami Dyananda's Teachings be it a Vedantic Text or a general talk on a Vedanta related topic is that there is lot of depth and clarity in his teachings . Reading his books is not just reading any other spiritual book and unless and until one decides to spend time in studying and reflecting  seriously on what he has written one will not understand what he is trying to convey . Like everything in life even spirituality has become very superfical and many spiritual masters in the name of giving simple talks / advice end up giving superficial talks , advice and might be for a beginner such talks will be useful and appealing but for a serious spiritual aspirant such talks will hardly help him / her get calrity . Swami Dayanada's talks and teachings have depth as well as clarity but you will get clarity only when you are willing to go to the depth of what he is conveying . Very few people are willing to committ to such serious study of the scriptures and everyone wants a quick fix superficial intrepretation of the same .

For a long time I was going through many of the books written by many other great spiritual masters and while their intention was good they lacked clarity in what they were conveying . They were only giving superfical advice like BE GOOD ,DO GOOD , HELP EVER ,HURT NEVER, JUST ENQUIRE WHO YOU ARE , IT IS ALL IN THE MIND ,FORGIVE AND FORGET , DO NOT GET ATTACHED  , SURRENDER ALL TO GOD ,etc etc and were gving advice that was either BLACK , WHITE but these does not help much an aspirat who is in the world that has various shades of GREY between BLACK and WHITE  and hence confused by these sort of superficial advice and statements . I am not blaming those spiritual masters but only pointing it out that their well intentioned statements lack depth and does not have much use for the common man after some time .

Let me illustrate this with an example : The word MEDITATION is very popular and also many books are written about Meditation but very few books define what Meditation is and at the most they define Meditation either as Concentration or giving an abstract definition to Meditation like it is  supersensory experince that cant be described etc etc . But if you study what Swami Dayananda has written there will be a clear definition of Meditation like :"saguṇa-brahma-viṣaya-mānasa-vyāpāraḥ," and he will unfold step by step what the above definition of Meditation is and once you understand the same you will not confuse  Meditation with Concentration or get trapped in some mystical definition of Meditations .

The same applies to all other terms that are commonly used in spirituality but either wrongly or very poorly defined and elaborated and that is why inspite of so many spiritual publications many are still confused but once you study Swami Dayananda's Teachings properly in depth most of such confusions would be wiped out .

The word GURU means one who removes darkness and while I had various masters influencing my spiritual life at differnt situations in my life but as far as VEDANTA is concered I got clarity only through the teachings of Swami Dayananda that I received by reading his books and  also through the Sastangs of Swami Paramarthananda ( one of his senior most disciples ) I consider Swami Dayananda , Swami Paramarthananda to be my primary Vedanta Gurus .

Swami Dayananda is no more in the physical body but his teachings are very much available as books and CDs and everyone can still benefit from his teachings plus he has also trained an excellent group of Vedanta Teachers who are alwayss available  to guide serious students in the path of Vedanta and hence the Traditional Teaching Sampradya will continue .

I  Will ever be grateful to Pujya Swamiji for helping me develop more clarity in Vedantaas well as on Sanathana Dharma  and the best way I can show my respect to him is to study his works seriously and live the teachings in my own day to day life .

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