Saturday, June 02, 2007

8-Benefits of Yoga Asanas

Yoga Asanas have 3 types of benefits :

1) Physical Benefits 2)Pranic / Energy Benefits and 3)Mental Benefits
1) Phsyical Benefits

Asanas initially focus on increasing and maintaining flexibility of the spine , toning and rejuvenating the nervous system .The gentle stretching , twisting , and bending movements bring flexibility to the other joints and muscles of the body , as well as massaging the glands and organs . They improve the immune system of the body .Circulation is improved , ensuring a rich supply of nutrients and oxygen to all the cells of the body .Basically Asanas have an extraordinary capacity to overhaul , rejuvenate , and bring the entire system into a state of balance .

2) Pranic /Energy benefits of Yoga Asanas

Before that we will just define what Prana is briefly .

Prana is a universal energy ,that is very subtle ,cant be seen with the eyes but definitely felt when we do yoga , pranayama and meditation .It is called as Chi in Chinese and Ki in Japanese . There are various ways to manipulate and store this prana and yoga is one way .The other methods being Tai chi , Qi Gong , Reiki etc .

Now Coming to the pranic benefits of asanas :

Asanas work in the same way as acupuncture or shiatsu , but the Yogic system of pranic balancing is more subtle .To gain the benefit , you must practice asanas regularly over a period of time , but once you feel the benefits ,they will last longer .The different poses put pressure on various points , purifying and strengthening the nadis ( energy channels ) .
3) Mental benefits of asanas:

Steady postures (asanas ) free the mind from disturbances caused by physical movement , promoting steadiness of mind , balancing the emotions , and improving your outlook on life .
Although asanas seem to be physical exercises ,they have profound effect on the energy body .

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